Friday, September 11, 2009

PS3 Motion Controller

Hello guys, this week I had some homework to do and I wanted to come up with something cool to show you. In June 2009, Sony gave us a little preview of the new motion controller they were working on. The new Ps3 Wand is no secret and has been all over the Internet for a few months now, but the purpose of my research was to find a couple of sources that gave me updates and some new details in whats coming for the PS3 motion controller in 2010. I did get some good info on the web and magazines. Lets begin!!! Like most new toys in this day and age, the motion controller will be wireless, it still has a sensor ball at the top, triggers and buttons on the side. The wand becomes a virtual object ( kind of like a baseball bat) you can swing and it will instantly make the same hand/arm movements you execute. It will work with some games that are out now, but no titles were said yet. The only way to use this controller is if you have the PS Eye Camera, also to activate voice recognition. This amazing toy should be available by spring of next year, might come in a bundle with Eye Camera, might not... they haven't set up a price yet, but will be announce very soon. Here is the link to demo video:

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