Friday, September 4, 2009

PS3 in 3D mode for 2010?

I read an article this morning about PS3 making their games in 3D. The idea is that every time you insert a game in the console and once you are in, all you have to do is switch to" 3D mode" and put a pair of 3D glasses on. How will this work? Well most likely one of the new system updates for the year 2010 will include software that will allow this to happen. You will also need a TV-3D compatible. Pretty cool huh??!!! Hmmm or is it? Personally I think that a lot of us will try this since (hopefully) it will be for free, but don't know for how long will people play their favorite games in such mode. Sony has a lot of work to do I guess. :) let me know what you guys think... ;)
Also, here is a video link of the PS3-3D mode:
Sent via BlackBerry from Naz-Cide2life

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