Saturday, September 12, 2009

Metal Gear Solid: Peace Walker

Who said Hideo Kojima was done with Metal Gear? well whoever said it I am glad he/she was wrong. The new MGS: Peace Walker hopefully will be hitting the stores in the year 2010, but sadly is only coming out for the PSP system. I know this is a PS3 blog and I also know that most PS peeps have a PSP. That's right, I do show love to the PSP gamers. :) I did hear something about co-op mode on MGS5 (that's what I like to call it) the game takes you back in time when Big Boss carried the big guns and Liquid was nothing but a loser lol... Solid Snake Rules!!! Here is an image and NO, is not the original picture of it but I thought it was cool to show it with the new PSPgo system.

I believe this title will become a great hit and that this isn't the end of MGS.
Wanna see the trailer for it:

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