Saturday, December 26, 2009

Killstreak: 11 kills MW2- Are you any good?

Here is a description of the 11Kills/Killstreak. I did not know that when you have the AC-130 gunship you can actually change your ammo, as you can see in the AC-130. The Chopper Gunner is awesome, but knowing this can be done it makes the AC-130 lots of fun too. 

Chopper Gunner

Description: Be the gunner of an attack helicopter. Your screen changes to the gunners view and the helicopter will fly around the map. The helicopter flies around for 40 seconds before it leaves, which does not include the time it takes to travel to the map.
The 25mm gun doesn't need to be reloaded, so you can easily kill multiple enemies. Enemies that don't have the Cold-Blooded perk will appear with a red box around them. You are also vulnerable while using this killstreak, but if you get killed on the ground, you can still continue your session.
The helicopter has 1 set of flares, so the first locked-on missile won't hit it.


Description: Be the gunner of an AC-130 Gunship. Your screen changes to the gunners view and the AC-130 will fly around the map. You have 40 seconds to use the 25mm, 45mm and 105mm guns to shoot at enemies, but you can also take down enemy helicopters and harriers.
Enemies that don't have the Cold-Blooded perk will appear with a red box around them. You are vulnerable while controlling the AC-130, but if you get killed on the ground, you can still continue your session.
The AC-130 can only be shot down with missiles, but it has 2 sets of flares as countermeasures, so the first 2 missiles won't hit it.

In this video you can see how the player switches from 105mm to 45 and 25mm to catch his enemies:

Friday, December 25, 2009

LBP Game of the Year Edition.

What an awesome game you can customize your sackboy character and  create your own levels. This game has been around for a while now, but it sure is a must have PS3 game. Tons of fun for you and 3 of your friends on and offline.

Monday, December 14, 2009

Batman: Arkham Asylum 2

For the Batman:AA fans. Check this one out!!! The Joker looks meaner and older. Will Batman have a gray mustache too, just like Solid Snake in MG4? haha

here it is:

Saturday, December 12, 2009

Little Big Planet for PSP

Little Big Planet for PSP is just as good as the PS3 version!!! The PSP copy has a different story not at all the same as its big cousin the PS3 and it has awesome graphics, 35 entertaining boards, customizable characters and so much more. :)  I love this game, at first when I saw LBP I thought it would be boring, but its pretty damn good. Give this platform game a try.