Saturday, December 26, 2009

Killstreak: 11 kills MW2- Are you any good?

Here is a description of the 11Kills/Killstreak. I did not know that when you have the AC-130 gunship you can actually change your ammo, as you can see in the AC-130. The Chopper Gunner is awesome, but knowing this can be done it makes the AC-130 lots of fun too. 

Chopper Gunner

Description: Be the gunner of an attack helicopter. Your screen changes to the gunners view and the helicopter will fly around the map. The helicopter flies around for 40 seconds before it leaves, which does not include the time it takes to travel to the map.
The 25mm gun doesn't need to be reloaded, so you can easily kill multiple enemies. Enemies that don't have the Cold-Blooded perk will appear with a red box around them. You are also vulnerable while using this killstreak, but if you get killed on the ground, you can still continue your session.
The helicopter has 1 set of flares, so the first locked-on missile won't hit it.


Description: Be the gunner of an AC-130 Gunship. Your screen changes to the gunners view and the AC-130 will fly around the map. You have 40 seconds to use the 25mm, 45mm and 105mm guns to shoot at enemies, but you can also take down enemy helicopters and harriers.
Enemies that don't have the Cold-Blooded perk will appear with a red box around them. You are vulnerable while controlling the AC-130, but if you get killed on the ground, you can still continue your session.
The AC-130 can only be shot down with missiles, but it has 2 sets of flares as countermeasures, so the first 2 missiles won't hit it.

In this video you can see how the player switches from 105mm to 45 and 25mm to catch his enemies:

Friday, December 25, 2009

LBP Game of the Year Edition.

What an awesome game you can customize your sackboy character and  create your own levels. This game has been around for a while now, but it sure is a must have PS3 game. Tons of fun for you and 3 of your friends on and offline.

Monday, December 14, 2009

Batman: Arkham Asylum 2

For the Batman:AA fans. Check this one out!!! The Joker looks meaner and older. Will Batman have a gray mustache too, just like Solid Snake in MG4? haha

here it is:

Saturday, December 12, 2009

Little Big Planet for PSP

Little Big Planet for PSP is just as good as the PS3 version!!! The PSP copy has a different story not at all the same as its big cousin the PS3 and it has awesome graphics, 35 entertaining boards, customizable characters and so much more. :)  I love this game, at first when I saw LBP I thought it would be boring, but its pretty damn good. Give this platform game a try.

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Holiday Contest!!! Reminder and Update... IMPORTANT!!!

UPDATE: In order for me to have this contest going I will need a minimum of 4 Final contestants. Read the rules to become a final contestant.
Remember the deadline is on December 18, 2009. New Followers are also invited to join the contest.
I am very surprised that only one person wants a free game. Dont sleep on it guys, you still have time. GOOD LUCK!!! :)

Now that the Holidays are here, I am having a new contest.

First I would like to congratulate Ludakrs on winning the full year subscription of PS Official Magazine and a big thank you to Napoleonpl for his honesty and giving someone else a chance to win the prize.

Ok, lets start with details on the new contest. You will get any PS3 game of your choice (game only). I am very serious about my blog and as you can see I am not giving up on it so here it is.

Here are the rules:

- Starting December 1, 2009 you have to be following my blog and subscribe to

- You must have at least 3 comments.

- Old and new followers have to send me their username and full name to

- Each contestant must get me 4 followers ( I mean, how hard is it to tell people about it and just follow to enter a contest) dont you want to get a free game for you or anyone you have in mind for the holidays?
I will know the amount of followers you got me by asking each who told them about my blog.

- This is where it gets interesting, the people you get will also be included in the contest. Same rules apply for them. So please make sure they read this post...

- Deadline: December 18, 2009. On this day I will put all the names in a container and pick 4 people. I am announcing the 4 picked on YouTube so you have subscribe. The 4 that I've picked will have to send me an email telling me the funniest Holiday Story and I will decide who gets the game. Why this day? so that way you have enough time to get the followers and its before Christmas so that you can either keep the game or give to someone. Will ship anywhere in the US.


please keep checking for updates on contest.

Monday, November 23, 2009


Ever since Call of Duty came out for PS3 my family and friends made up this clan called the "H8ME" clan, which means "hate me" if you haven't notice lol. So my project in school is to draw anything I want, but I need to have 3 drawings every week. I started with two pretty important players in the game and basically every H8ME will have their faces replaced by a skull. Please have in mind that this is work I love to do and your opinion, ideas and criticism will be very helpful for me in the future in order to improve my skills.
So the first two players are: Diabolica and Ludakrs - both are pretty good at using their stealth abilities so I gave them Sniper rifles. Hand drew them on my sketch book and gave them each a little bit of Photoshop and Illustrator touch. Hope you guys like it. Trust me I have better ideas for it, but I need some time. :)

Wednesday, November 18, 2009


Hello everyone,
I love this time of the year and with the Holidays just around the corner sometimes shopping could become a bit of a headache. Most of the time it's fun when you already know what you are looking for, and what a better way to help all my readers with a nice list of goodies I've put together to help you and your loved ones choose from. I hope you like my picks and have a lovely time with family and friends now and always.




Mad Catz- Modern Warfare2 controllers

PS3 Energizer Power & Play- Charges 2 controllers.

Rockband and Guitar Hero Accessories.


GOD OF WAR update!!!

God of War Collection is now available. You can play these two amazing copies remastered in HD only for PS3 and God of War III is coming out on 4/1/2010, sorry guys we gotta wait a bit... :(

Facebook/PS3 video demo.

The new system update should be available today. :)

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Facebook on PS3

According to Sony, Facebook will be added to the newest firmware update v3.10 in your PS3 System. This week, possibly Thursday you will have the option to allow your PS3 activity (PS Store purchases, Trophies, and skills) to be shown in Facebook as updates.

Monday, November 16, 2009

REMINDER: Assassin's Creed II - 11/17/09

Tomorrow, Enzio will show how its done... pick up a copy of Assassin's Creed II

Saturday, November 14, 2009

Win a year subscription of Playstation Official Magazine.

Would you like to get a full year subscription of the PS Official magazine, for free? It's easy, all you have to do is be the first to get me 6 new followers before 11/27/09. Just tell your PS3 friends to follow my blog and send an email ( telling me your name. Good luck!!! :)

Notice: the winner will  be announce as soon as I get their 6 followers, but just to be sure, the deadline is 11/27/09. Details and instructions will be email to the winner the same day he/she is announced. There will be other contests later on for everyone else...bigger and better prizes. All you have to do is read my blog and leave comments. and PSN

I, sometimes find it very annoying when your new game has a couple of add-ons, but you dont have a PSN card or you do not want to use your credit card to purchase a download in your PS3 System. All this problems are a thing of the past now that Sony and have put together another way for you to buy your add-ons and game downloads. How it works? go to sign in to your account, once you've purchased an item a redemption code will be send to your email, which you can now enter in the Redeem Code section of your PS3 menu. Here is the link:

Friday, November 13, 2009

MW2 Tactical Nuke...

This is the ultimate Kill Streak (25 Kills). Take a look at how much easier is to get kills with the Heartbeat Sensor attachment.

Problems with MW2 party invite.

I know that Infinity Ward and PS network have been showing big problems in connecting their players to a party invite. Well, here is a tip on how to make this work: once you are in the multiplayer main lobby, send your friends an invite. All of your friends have to hit PS button go to account management (without quitting game), sign out and quickly sign back in, then go to your friends invite message and JOIN. That's it!!! you should be able to join your friend's party after that. Hopefully they will be fix this problem today. At least that was the last I heard.

Saturday, November 7, 2009

I got it!!! MW2 yeaahhhh baby!

Sent via BlackBerry from Naz-Cide2life

Monday, November 2, 2009

FIFA10- "Game Face" Tutorial video

GOD of WAR Collection and New GoW III

In November 17, you will have the chance to experience the beginning of one of the best games ever created for PS. God of War and God of War II came out for PS2 and it was huge hit, so PS decided to bring them back before the newest of the franchise comes out (GoW III) The previous games have been remastered for HD resolution and they will include trophies and other goodies. Here is the link to The God of War website:

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

More MW2 controller images...

MW2 controller and some videos

Source: PS Official Magazine- Mad Catz and Infinity Ward got together and made a controller specially for MW2. You may think the only difference between this one and a regular PS controller is shape and color/design, but the MW2 controller has extra buttons on its underside. Why? because it gives you the advantage to keep your thumbs on the sticks while you can use your other fingers to hit reload without wasting any time. It also becomes a big advantage when you switch button preferences, and other features... plus it looks cool. check it out:

Thursday, October 22, 2009

Some Secret Games for 2010

According to PS Magazine these are some of the secret games for 2010:

BioShock 3
James Bond
Call of Duty 7
Tomb Raider
Ghost Recon 4
Hitman 5 ( I have been waiting a long time for them to announce this one)
Kane & Lynch 2
Killzone 3 ( OHHH yeaAAHH) :)

Modern Warfare 2

If you are planning on buying Modern Warfare 2 in November, then you should definitely get a copy of PS official Magazine for exclusive maps (reveal secret paths, sniper points, ambush zones) Multiplayer mode. If you are interested I can also send you images and tips for it, just leave a comment and email address to reply.
Sent via BlackBerry from Naz-Cide2life

Bravia - PS3 TV Ad: 50MPH test...

Please do not try this at home... This is just a TV ad from Sony Australia. In this video you will see a new PS3 Slim going 50mph into a Sony Bravia's screen. The reason for it is to let you know that you will get a free PS3 Slim with the purchase of a new Bravia. Pretty cool Ad.

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Here is another "What if...?" image

Nathan Drake and Lara Croft seem to have a long journey ahead.

I thought it be cool to put these two PS3 characters in the same picture. Let me know which other characters might be cool to put together :)   We can do so much with photoshop these days.

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Nathan Drake is a BIG hit. Awesome game... 10 out of 10!!!

Uncharted 2: Among thieves is one of the best games I've ever played. I can even say that it might be the best game out this year, but we are still waiting for Modern Warfare2. Don't take my word for it, read some of the reviews GAMESTOP members gave it:

DO YOU AGREE? Feel free to give us your comments and reviews here.

Monday, October 12, 2009

Uncharted 2: Among thieves

Hello gamers. Just a reminder, tomorrow Uncharted 2: Among thieves comes out and for sure I am getting it. The game looks very promising and I know how much we like co-op and multiplayer mode, well this game did a good job with both. 

Here is a preview of multiplayer mode:

Monday, October 5, 2009

Here you go kids!!! Please let it be Nov.10 already!!!

Ready to kick some #@$%&ng butt???

Oh, such beautiful graphics!!! with all of your favorite characters and then some (6 more) :)
How can you not buy Tekken6? Ok, picture this: I am kicking your a$$, grab you and throw you through a wall or break the ground... now we are on a different stage. Awesome!!! I know is not the first time you've seen or heard of breaking through walls and stuff, but with 3D technology, amazing graphics, new moves and to be able to customize your characters all around. October 27th, get a copy and enjoy this great game.

Monday, September 28, 2009

wouldn't you love this...

I know I would... :)
Killzone/Halo madness. Do you know how many gamers would die to get this?